What is Boards & Swords?
Boards & Swords is a website devoted to making tabletop games welcoming to others. How? Mostly through our bad jokes (not bad as in “adult”, just bad as in “not good”).
Who is Boards & Swords?

Chris Renshaw
Host: Boards & Swords, The Dirtbags of Holding
Pronouns: He/Him
Favorite Board Game: Arkham Horror the Card Game from Fantasy Flight Games
Favorite RPG: Legend of the Five Rings from Fantasy Flight Games
Chris is a dude who is constantly finding new ways to express his inner nerdiness. He also tends to talk--a lot, so it may not have been the best plan to stick a microphone in his face and give him an audience! In July 2010 he started a website and podcast called “Obsessive Comics Disorder” all about making comics and comic books easy for anyone to understand. It eventually evolved into tabletop games and thus became Boards & Swords. He also used to do the “Roll Playing” segment on The Dice Tower’s Board Game Breakfast show.
Twitter: @boardsandswords, Instagram: @boardsandswordschris

Philip Herbig
Host: Boards & Swords, The Dirtbags of Holding
Pronouns: He/Him
Favorite Board Game: Munchkin probably
Favorite RPG: Star Wars from Fantasy Flight Games
Philip has been a part of Boards & Swords/OCD practically since the beginning. Appearing on Boards & Swords and The Dirtbags of Holding podcasts, you are guaranteed to hear him try and throw whatever game we are playing out the window. Or, if you are lucky, listen to him talk about why Munchkin is still the greatest game ever.
Twitter: @PhilTheDirtbag

Jimmy Pritts
Host: The Dirtbags of Holding
Pronouns: He/Him
Favorite Board Game: Everdell from Starling Games
Favorite RPG: Star Wars from Fantasy Flight Games or Fiasco from Bully Pulpit Games
Jimmy has been working on a man bun for a while to try and get his charisma score up, but when the time is right he'll discover that he had it in him all along. He's got a bunch of accents and voices but can't seem to do just one at a time. He's got a side gig doing voiceover work but don't tell the others! (fiverr)

Cory Harrop
Host, The Dirtbags of Holding
Pronouns: She/Her
Favorite Board Game: Everdell from Starling Games
Favorite RPG: Star Wars from Fantasy Flight Games
Look at your man, look back at Cory, now back to your man, now back to Cory...Cory isnt your man but her voice is probably about as low and her jokes about as funny. She is the magnanimous champion of her apartments ever-ongoing board game championship (suck it Jimmy) and shes the doting mother to several beautiful houseplants. Cory doesn't give Twitter the time&attention it deserves but her Insta is lit af @coryhairup

Mascot…or is it Mascat?
Pronouns: Cat
Favorite Board Game: Ice Cool
The official Boards & Swords cat, he loves being down in the studio and thus will occasionally show up in videos and live streams!

Blake Lowther
Cameraman, play tester, behind the scenes guy
Pronouns: He/Him
Favorite game: I dunno Bushido? Whatever new indie tabletop game he's convinced people to buy into.
Our Shows
On this website, you can find several shows in both audio (podcast) and video. For our podcasts, you can subscribe to the Super Feed to receive all them right to your music player....for FREE:

Boards & Swords
Bad jokes. Good folks. Games. Every other week, Chris & Philip talk about their experiences playing different games (both board games and video games). If you enjoy hearing people talk about the fun they have playing various games instead of why X game is better than Y game, this is the show for you. Plus, they've got the latest board games news , the worst jokes, and the best guests occasionally.

The Dirtbags of Holding
In the Dirtbags of Holding, 4 friends show off the real way to play Roleplaying Games - playing them in the worst possible way. Between stabbing each other in the back, going off on tangents and driving the GM crazy, what antics will they get into this week?