Ork-tober, Hasbro Getting Greedy, More DALL-E Board Game Covers - Boards & Swords #206

You got your transformers in my magic! Hasbro is getting too greedy? Say it isn’t so! Plus, we take the DALL-E 2 AI image generator for a spin again, trying to remake board game covers. And there’s lots of news and games to catch up on from the past month, like ExtraLife, Ork-tober, and prepping for TANKS-GIVING!

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Warcrow Adventures, Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion, Endless Winter- Boards & Swords #205

Philip is on his way back from the House of Mouse, so Shaun steps into the cohost chair! We’ve got stolen board game ideas, lots of miniatures kickstarters coming, and putting Cats and Dogs in your Forts. Plus, Chris has been painting up some deadly Imperial Knights for Warhammer, too bad he hasn’t won a game yet!

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Gen Con 2022 (feat. Eric Yurko, Edge Studios, Colorway Game Labs, Dire Wolf) - Boards & Swords #201

Another on location episode! Next time we’ll be back in studio but in this episode Chris is on the floor at Gen Con 2022 talking with a bunch of folks about what they’ve got on display. Thanks to Eric Yurko for bantering with Chris in the beginning, and to Edge Publishing, Colorway Game Labs, and Dire Wolf for talking to us about products and embarrassing themselves with some impromptu jokes!

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LIVE from High Tide Games - Boards & Swords #200

We’ve been doing this for 200 episodes! So we are live on location at High Tide Games in Southern Maryland so real people can groan at our bad jokes. Also, Asmodee is making board games about Squid Game and another new Dune board game is coming. Plus, we get others to tell us bad puns for once as we do a “Pun-off” to giveaway a ton of prizes! There’s still plenty to give away! Email us with what you think your best pun and/or related feedback on what we could do better! feedback@boardsandswords.com

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