Posts tagged dnd5e
Metal Gear Solid Returns, Ticket to Ride Legacy, Historical Wargames - Boards & Swords 218

Are movies based on tabletop games the next trend? (I hope not). Ticket to ride is hoping on the legacy train (hehe), and the Metal Gear Solid game is back! Also, we celebrate Memorial Day by talking about games based on historical wars.

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A New Star Wars TCG, BattleTech in Target with Mike from Nova Open - Boards & Swords 217

Nerf gun RPGs, Doctor Who & Magic, and of course: a new Warhammer 40k box set!! Then, we get our Nova on as we talk with Mike from the Nova Open Committee as he tells us about all the new changes coming to the Nova Open this year - including A LIVE BOARDS & SWORDS! Come join us!

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Vegas, Pinkertons, Dungeon Murder with Scott Johnson from Frogpants Studio - Boards & Swords 216

Wizards went too far…again…., a lot of nerds got together in a mall and set a world record, and we’re in Vegas baby! See what crazy antics we got into, plus Chris got to talk with Scott Johnson from Frogpants Studios about his new card game “Dungeon Murder” (

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves with Wayne from Adventure Away - Boards & Swords 215

A titan is gone, Funko got more IPs, and you wont believe our last news story. Then, get ready to hear about your next vacation as Wayne from Adventure Away ( comes on to talk about the D&D movie and their service, where you can potentially play D&D in a CASTLE!

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Adepticon News, Sequels to Descent and Clank Legacy Incoming - Boards & Swords 214

I mean, there’s April Fool’s jokes and sequels to various board games coming out, but we all know the real news lately: Warhammer 40K tenth edition is coming! I wonder what Chris will have to say about it.

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Spelljammer 5e, Magic Hot Pockets, Catan: Soccer - Boards & Swords 213

Hot Pockets & Magic? Sounds like a bad afternoon in the bathroom. Plus, soccer is coming to Catan? We must have played too much spelljammer and fell into an alternate universe, so we'll talk about the D&D Spelljammer setting and our thoughts on it.

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Twilight Inscription, News-A-Palooza - Boards & Swords 212

We took an episode off, but the news never sleeps! So there’s a ton of news, from new board game versions of Sea of Thieves and Apex Legends to Lord of the Rings in Magic the Gathering and also a game about butts? Oh yeah, and we talk about Twilight Inscription, the 4 board roll and write game from Fantasy Flight Games.

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Oath, D&D Causing Every Other RPG to Sell Out - Boards & Swords 211

Paizo sold out of all their Pathfinder stock? There’s a sequel to Scythe coming? And, something something something new D&D adventure. Also, talk about the board game Oath from Leder Games.

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Tons of Terrain with Rich from ROK Minis - Boards & Swords 210

We could do another whole episode on the D&D OGL drama, but we provide some updates and then talk to Rich from about what's it like taking gaming from a hobby to a career!

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Dark Souls & Deep Rock Galactic: The Board Games, Necromunda - Boards & Swords 209

Welcome to 2023! Time to spend all that holiday cash and buy more games! So what are we doing this year? Also, D&D might be getting greedy with its licensing, and we’ve got board games based on video games (Deep Rock Galactic & Dark Souls)

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