Terraforming Mars (w/ Insert), Ghosts Love Candy - Boards & Swords #91

Terraforming Mars (w/ Insert), Ghosts Love Candy - Boards & Swords #91

More great stuff this week, as Collin and I talk about us playing Terraforming Mars with the Broken Token Insert and how that impacted the game.  Collin and Cindy also go into Ghosts Love Candy from Steve Jackson games, and we all talk about some new digital versions of games that we've had the experience of trying out.  Plus, we round out the episode with THE RANK IS RIGHT!


Plaid Hat Games launching "Adventurebook Game" line

Modiphius will release Fallout minis game in March

Catan Movie in the works

L5R plans for Imperial Cycle

New Star Wars: Destiny set announced

This podcast is an Obsessive Comics Disorder production - visit ocdcast.com for more great videos and podcasts.  Join our BGG Guild! boardsandswords.com/guild

Email us your comments and questions at feedback@boardsandswords.com.  You can find the show on twitter @Boardsandswords, or on facebook at facebook.com/ocdcast.  Personally I'm @ChrisTheProf on Twitter & Instagram Collin is @colcakes196 on Twitter & Instagram.  Cindy is cindypastorius on Instagram.  

This podcast is also a part of the Dice Tower Network.  For other great board gaming shows, check out dicetowernetwork.com.  Also, thanks to CoolStuffInc for sponsoring the network - check out coolstuffinc.com for some great deals on games.

Thank you for listening to the show.  Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?