EXIT: The Enchanted Forest, A Look at Black Board Game Creators - Boards & Swords #168

EXIT: The Enchanted Forest, A Look at Black Board Game Creators - Boards & Swords #168

A few notes: 1) Audio might sound weird at places, there was an issue in the background that I tried to filter out. Should be fixed for next recording. 2) The past few weeks have been really draining on me energy wise due to some family health issues, so sorry this episode is so late. I’ll explain more in the next episode.

With that out of the way, in this highly delated episode, Chris talks about one of the new EXIT games, Philip is end gaming in Destiny 2, L5R is over and Chris & Philip both talk about a couple of Black board game creators to celebrate Black History Month! Plus, they finish up the episode rapid fire answering a few questions.


New game company from Isaac Vega

No more Metal Gear Solid Game

Lots of Ashes Second Edition content coming out

No more L5R…

But they are going to have Coop L5R before they go?

New On The Air light:


Philip playing Pictionary Air at Gen Con 2019


Email us your comments and questions at feedback@boardsandswords.com. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswords on twitter and @boardsswordschris on instagram, while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on Twitter. This podcast is also a part of Punchboard Media. For other great board gaming shows, check out punchboardmedia.com. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?

Background image in Thumbnail by Kevin Smith, used under Creative Commons. Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/145362372@N03/45325416314