What the heck is Newsh? With Jason Craze from Monument Hobbies - Boards & Swords #230

What the heck is Newsh? With Jason Craze from Monument Hobbies - Boards & Swords #230

A couple of Kickstarters, Asmodee picks a terrible time to do layoffs, and a Magic/Clue crossover that sounds....good? Plus we've got Jason Craze from Monument Hobbies with us to talk about their Pro Acryl paint line! Join us on Discord! https://boardsandswords.com/discord


GTA like games while you wait for GTA 6

Asmodee told to layoff employees

Pandas + Parties + Pirates = Chaos?

New Expandable Card Game on Kickstarter with cool art

Magic the Gathering Clue? But....using Magic cards???

Email us your comments and questions at feedback@boardsandswords.com. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?