Pokemon — Content — Boards & Swords
The 10 Nerdiest Things of 2016
BlogChris RenshawStar Wars, FFG, RPG, Roleplaying Game, Role Playing Game, Board Game, Video Game, Campaign, One Shot, Numenera, Monte Cook Games, Fantasy Flight Games, Scythe, Stonemaier Games, Legends of Tomorrow, CW, Arrow, The Flash, Ice Cool, Brain Games, Overwatch, Blizzard Entertainment, Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Pokemon TCG, Deadpool
"It's a Pet You Can Find in Your Back Yard!" - Obsessive Comics Disorder #91
Obsessive Comics Disorder, PodcastsChris RenshawGeek, Obsessions, Comedy, RPG, Superfight, World of warcraft, Card Games, Roleplaying games, Nova Open, Apple, Pokemon
Relative Dimensions #35: "We're Bringing It Back Now, Geek Talk Style"
Obsessive Comics Disorder, PodcastsChris RenshawKindle, Munchkin, Munchkin Legends, Pokemon, Sins of a Solar Empire, SJ Games, Star Trek, Star Trek Attack Wing, Star Trek Online, Steve Jackson Games, STO
Relative Dimensions #33: "Achievement Unlocked - Two Shows In A Row!"
Obsessive Comics Disorder, PodcastsChris RenshawBlizzard, Pet Battles, Pokemon, Star Trek, Star Trek Online, STO, Titan, World of Warcraft, WoW