Thank you for being a friend…of the emperor? FFG makes their games more manageable for stores, and Kickstarter makes things more manageable for your wallet. Plus, Calvin Wong Tze Loon is on the show to talk about what it was like designing the Mass Effect Board Game along with Eric Lang!
Read MoreWe talk about our Patreon, a couple of quick games we’ve been playing, then discuss what our current top 10 favorite board games are!
Read MoreWhat’s hot in board game sales right now? We take a look at the top selling games from Autumn last year, catch up on Chris’ Seafall game, then launch into some reviews!
Read MoreWe have Conor from InsideUp Games on to talk about his 3 released games, along with some tidbits about some of his upcoming projects!
Read MoreJac, who started as a fellow board game friend on instagram and twitter, but is now a player on Girl’s Game Shelf joins us for some good times. We also pitch some games by playing But Wait There’s More!
Read MoreHear that bell? It must mean it’s time to go at it - after talking about a few games, we finish off the show playing a couple of rounds of SUPERFIGHT!
Read MoreEnough with this 2018 garbage! We gotta look ahead to 2019! That’s what everyone else is doing right? Plus a review of Brain Games’ new Pyramid of Pengqueen game (set in the Ice Cool universe)!
Read MoreRecorded during the OCD Dice Drop for Charity, we talk about a BUNCH of games we’ve played recently, plus our (short) experience at Pax Unplugged!
Read MoreNot much worth talking about news wise, so we take a look at what was popular in Summer 2018. Plus our usual reviews and then we finish up by talking about what games we want for Christmas!
Read MoreCalvin Wong joins us again in this episode to talk about all the cool stuff that he saw at the Essen Game Fair! Plus the normal reviews, news, and game shows!
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