Phoenix Dawn Command Pt. 5 - The Dirtbags of Holding #92
Pax Unplugged, Top 5 Gifts to Give to a Gamer - Boards & Swords #93
Star Wars Destiny/L5R Tokens and LOTS of Dice!
Phoenix Dawn Command Pt. 4 - The Dirtbags of Holding #91
Interview with Alison Haislip @ Pax Unplugged 2017
Phoenix Dawn Command Pt. 3 - The Dirtbags of Holding #90
Tomb of Annihilation, Numenera: Ninth World Bestiary 2 - Boards & Swords #92.5
Legend of the Five Rings LCG: Tears of Amaterasu Unboxing
Chris' Acadecon 2017 Vlog
Phoenix Dawn Command Pt. 2 - The Dirtbags of Holding #89
Port Royal, Twilight Imperium III, FFG Worlds, Dirtbags Invitational - Boards & Swords #92
Boards & Swords, PodcastsChris RenshawBoard Games, Card Games, Legend of the Five Rings, FFG, Fantasy Flight Games, Dream On, CMON, Star Wars Rebellion, Star Wars Legion, Port Royal, Steve Jackson Games, Twilight Imperium III
Arkham Horror LCG - Path to Carcosa Unboxing
Arkham Horror: The Card Game Playthrough (The Midnight Masks)
Phoenix Dawn Command Pt. 1 - The Dirtbags of Holding #88
Terraforming Mars (w/ Insert), Ghosts Love Candy - Boards & Swords #91
1 Star Reviews of Starfinder
Phoenix Dawn Command Pt. 0 - The Dirtbags of Holding #87
Feng Shui 2 Outtakes Pt. 2 - The Dirtbags of Holding #86
Legend of the Five Rings, Dream On, Top 5 Games Someone Will Hate - Boards & Swords #90
Quiver Card Case Review