Posts tagged card game
Gloom-having a Good RPG with Danielle Lauzon from Cephalofair Games - Boards & Swords #238

Apparently there were a lot of minis sold in 2023...I had no idea *cough* bought tons of 40k tenth edition stuff *cough*. Also, someone saw a familiar looking coyote in a magic card and Danielle Lauzon from Cephalofair Games is here to talk about the Gloomhaven RPG!

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Jumping into Star Wars Unlimited with Xander Tabler from FFG - Boards & Swords #236

Want to pretend to clean your Warhammer 40k minis? Yeah, I didn't realize people wanted that either. Plus, some good news about the former Prospero Hall studio employees and FanRoll is rolling into Dungeons & Dragons. Also, Xander from FFG stops by to talk about the upcoming Star Wars Unlimited TCG! (

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Crafting A Bra Full of Sawdust with Gabby Carder - Boards & Swords #235

CMON is no longer doing Kickstarters, use IKEA instructions in a new rpg, and apparently crossover sets make MTG loads of cash. Also, Gabby from Bra Full of Sawdust ( is here to showcase all the custom wooden creations she makes for tabletop gamers (among others!)

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Adopting Misfit Dice with Neal Hoffman from FanRoll Dice - Boards & Swords #234

Another video game becomes a board game, Guild Ball is coming back - for free? And is Hasbro selling D&D? We talk about all of these news stories along with Neal Hoffman from FanRoll Dice! Because you can never have enough dice....right?

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The World of Darkness with Kevin Schluter from Renegade Game Studios - Boards & Swords #233

Chick-fil-a wants to make board games? Funko is done with board games, and the number one game on Board Game Geek is getting a sequel (shocker!)? We talk about these stories and more as we delve into the World of Darkness with Kevin Schluter, RPG producer from Renegade Game Studios!

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Magical RPG Artifacts with Paul Shapiro from Beadle & Grimm's - Boards & Swords #232

Ready to immerse your RPG players in your game world? We've got Jon Ciccolini & Paul Shapiro from Beadle & Grimm's Pandemonium Warehouse to talk about all the "artifacts" you can get for your favorite Roleplaying Games. Also in this episode: Wingspan with Dragons? Clean Energy Catan? And Chris drools over the idea that a Halo Miniatures Game is back in the works.

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Alone Against the Static with Brian Holland from Chaosium - Boards & Swords #231

What D&D books are coming out next year? Another much loved board game is getting a roll and write version, and you can now get your Geralt on in Unmatched. Plus, we have Brian Holland on from Chaosium to talk about Alone Against the Static: a solo adventure using the Call of Cthulhu ruleset!

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What the heck is Newsh? With Jason Craze from Monument Hobbies - Boards & Swords #230

A couple of Kickstarters, Asmodee picks a terrible time to do layoffs, and a Magic/Clue crossover that sounds....good? Plus we've got Jason Craze from Monument Hobbies with us to talk about their Pro Acryl paint line!

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Boldly Rolling with Jim Johnson from Star Trek Adventures - Boards & Swords #229

Saw and Diablo are getting board games, AI wants to teach you board games, and Murder Mystery magic cards?? Plus, we have Jim Johnson on the show, project manager and line editor of the Star Trek Adventures RPG from Modiphius!

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Toys R Us Returns, Mr. Beast plays Dune Imperium with Ian from Floodgate Games - Boards & Swords #228

Never would have thought I'd hear "MrBeast" and "Dune Imperium" in the same sentence. Or that I'd hear about Toys R Us returning, or that a TCG website would stop carrying Magic: The Gathering? Is it the end times? We find out while also talking to Ian from Floodgate Games about their board games.

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Game Toppers 4.0 Kickstarter Preview (Premium Game Mats!) with Burky - Boards & Swords 227

An RPG maker is suing Netflix? Could you handle 24 people playing Twilight Inscription at one time? And what’s this about combining Barbie with Warhammer 40k? Plus, we’ve got Burky from GameToppers LLC to talk about his latest Kickstarter, featuring a TON of cool new playmats!

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Affordable Dice For All Minis Games with Steven from Baron of Dice - Boards & Swords 226

Rhino Hero to Rhino Zero…money? You’ll never guess, but Terraforming Mars has used AI art before, and Weta Workshop is wetting our appetites for some new 40k action figures. Plus, we’ve got Steven from The Baron of Dice on the show to talk about what else but DICE!

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Nova Open 2023 with Adam and Vince from Snarling Badger Studios - Boards & Swords 225

We are live at Nova Open 2023! Will Chris get the chance to insta-kill Philip AGAIN in D&D? Want a eco-friendly card game with more “bark” in it? Plus, we talk with Adam and Vince from Snarling Badger Studios about their various tabletop miniatures games and going from tabletop players to making a tabletop company.

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We Have A Hulk - Early Thoughts on the Hulk Deck for Marvel Champions

I wanted this post to be my initial look at the new Thor Hero deck for Marvel Champions that released last week. However, I haven’t had the chance to get it to the table just yet. Luckily for me, Fantasy Flight Games had a stream where they teased the upcoming Hulk Hero pack that should be coming out in the June time frame. Just like I did for Black Widow and Doctor Strange, let’s take a look at the cards that were teased from the FFG stream and announcement post.

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Arkham Horror LCG Battle Report: Echoes of the Past (Path to Carcosa Part 3)

Disclaimer: If you haven't heard about Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you might have trouble with this post. Also, potential spoilers ahead.

Last time, I continued our recap of playing through the Path to Carcosa campaign. Now that we’ve witnessed a crazy play and made a party get “lit” (har har), it was time to get down to business. The next scenario, Echoes of the Past, has us go to the nearby museum to investigate a rumor that this is not the first time that “The King in Yellow” has come to Arkham.

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Arkham Horror LCG Battle Report: The Last King (Path to Carcosa Part 2)

Disclaimer: If you haven't heard about Arhkam Horror: The Card Game, you might have trouble with this post. Also, potential spoilers ahead. 

Last time, I began recapping our group playing through the “Path to Carcosa” campaign, which ended with me realizing that I had mixed up the Act & Agenda decks. In the next scenario, The Last King, our characters stumble into the weirdest dinner part ever in order to find out more about the play “The King in Yellow”.

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Arkham Horror LCG Battle Report: Curtain Call (Path to Carcosa Part 1)

Disclaimer: If you haven't heard about Arhkam Horror: The Card Game, you might have trouble with this post. Also, potential spoilers ahead. 

Last time, I talked about playing through the Dunwich Legacy solo. Well, I still have my campaign night group interested in playing Arkham Horror, so we sat down to play Path to Carcosa starting with Part 1: Curtain Call.

So, I’ve been very anxious/nervous to play through the Path to Carcosa scenario. Part of it is because this is the third time I’ve tried to get the campaign going, with only getting to the 3rd scenario in the previous attempts. The idea of actually being able to complete the campaign is very exciting to me. However, looking online at all the Arkham Horror discussions, people almost universally consider Path to Carcosa to be the best campaign that Fantasy Flight Games has put out. Therefore, I’m a bit nervous to play through it as I’m afraid that I may have built it up too much in my mind.

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